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Why Learn French
French, also called the language of love, was actually the international, diplomatic language for centuries. Only recently, historically speaking, with the rise of the United States as a global power, did English prevail as the language of diplomacy. France is still quite the economic powerhouse, and a popular travel destination, so French is definitely a language to learn!
Why Learn Spanish
Spanish has a large number of native speakers, and a large number of overall speakers as well. Most Spanish speaking countries are located in South and Central America, which are extremely popular travel destinations in recent years. For this reason, you will find many across the world who speak Spanish. In addition, due to the large number of Spanish speakers in the US, if you live, work, or travel in the United States, Spanish is the one to learn!
Why Learn German
Germany is the most widely spoken language throughout Europe, as Germany remains Europe’s most dominant economy. For this reason, if you do business or plan to do business in Europe, German is one of the most important languages to learn. It’s a funny language to learn, with endings tacked on to words to give them specific meanings. But it is also a surprisingly easy language to learn.
Why Learn English
English is one definitely one of the most important languages to learn in 2021 and beyond. It is used in global business, worldwide travel, diplomatic affairs, and in computer technology. Not only that, but many of the top global economies are English-speaking ones — the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. English has the highest number of second language speakers as well, with almost a billion non-native English speakers in the world.
Why Learn Italian
Italian may not have the most speakers on this list, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an important language to learn. Italy is steeped in arts, culture, and history. Many world heritage sites are located in Italy, and many historical texts are written in Italian. This country is a popular travel destination, and knowing Italian will help you on a trip. Plus, knowing any of these similar romance languages — Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, will make it much easier to learn the others in the group.
Why Learn Portuguese
Portuguese is spoken all over the world — it is the official language of countries in Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa. If that wasn’t enough to prove that this language is one of the most important languages to learn, here’s more: Brazil is emerging as one of the world’s newest economic powerhouses. Tourism in the country is growing and global companies are setting up shop, so the demand for Portuguese speakers is growing.
Need Help with Homework?
If your child could use an extra hand with their foreign language homework, or would like some help preparing for their foreign language exams, then we are here to help! We offer private tuition classes, which can be 100% tailored to meet your child’s needs – whether it be examinations tips, mock exams using real past papers, or help with a foreign language assignment.
Why choose us?
We follow the international standards of teaching languages: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The teachers at our institution are having a recognized teaching qualification and are extensively trained. Moreover, our student testimonials speak for themselves.